I received an email from Dora (DiBartolomeo) Vickery and her memory just amazes me. She asked me if I remembered the Boston Ballroom when some of us Revere High School classmates were on TV.

I replied........I do remember because I was on the Boston Ballroom TV but I can't remember who my dancing partner was..........hmmmm!
The subject was renting space in my head and I sent off an email to Meri and she certainly remembered more....here is her response: I love the new Blog. . .and yes, I do remember Boston Ballroom because I went on it and danced with Ronnie Lanza! I also remember what I wore (I had borrowed a blue-and-white herringbone jacket from Janet Campello, my best pal, and thought I looked cool until I saw myself on the camera and realized I just looked schoolgirlish. . .which is what I was) But it was so much fun! I remember Skippy Barone and oh, I just blanked on the other boy's name who was also a great dancer, and what a good time it was. Maybe it was Channel 4, WNAC-TV, perhaps?
Dora's request is to ask the entire class what they remember. So, please leave a comment or email me what you remember and I will post it online for you! I searched all over the web and in UTube trying to find some tidbit about Revere High at Boston Ballroom on TV but no luck. So, what better way than to ask all of you...........
Hey, John Henry........you know everything about Revere High...........would you know where I could get a copy of this TV tape when our class was on. Wouldn't that be a hoot to put that on the Lantern!
P.S. I also need more email addresses of our classmates.....I know I don't have Janet Campello's and many others........so if you see our friends.....and have their email addresses.......please send them to me so they can enjoy The Lantern!