Dora (DiBartolomeo) Vickery:
I spent a pleasant evening going through the older entries. You have quite the journals going. It was real nice to read the comments. I have responded under the comments but I am not too sure exactly how I did it on either the Roses are Read or the Lantern. I will keep at it though, you will probably be hearing from me one of these when I am stuck and have the time to get a phone lesson from you. LOL !
I really am enjoying this more than I ever thought I would.
It was so nice to see Sal in his re-enactment gear. I was on vacation in Williamsburg Va. many years ago when the kids were little and they were have a re-enactment going on there. It was more than just their usual re-enactors, they had them from all over the country to simulate the opening of the general courts, they were even camped on the town commons. The kids loved it. They stayed in character even just walking up and down the streets. You could hear their conversations. It is nice that both he and his wife enjoy it together.
Richard Cummings:
The new page not only looks good but is easy to get around...congratulations on a superb job. Thanks. 10/14/2008
Roxanne (Fisher) Aiello:
What a great job. I am going to get some pictures together and send them along to you. Thanks for doing all this work, it is so interesting to read. If you can send me your address, I would like to send you a small check toward the new equipment you had to buy.
Roxanne Fisher Aiello 10/14/2008
Sal Carmosino:
I guess none of us will ever know how much work you have put into this project. We can't say thank you enough......it is truly the lifeline for our class....I'll try to sign into it when I have time to study it.
The graphics are super and shows your talent for finding the right one for each area....something I'm sure not many of us could do or even know how to do. I don't mind leaving comments but I fear if it's the same people all the time, others may feel its only for us...no matter how many times you stress that it is for everyone. Maybe I'm being too sensitive, but I will join in as soon as possible.
Are we past hurricane season in Florida now? I hear there is another one near Aruba somewhere....hope it disappears...
Sal 10/15/2008
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you! You are new to a computer and you are leaving comments too! Kudos!
Everyone will enjoy reading your comments.
Nice having you on board.
I continue to pray for your ongoing recovery from your surgery.
Rose You have done a super job I know how much time you put into the migration and want to say Thank You form everyone for your time talent and caring for all of us Keeping us informed from coast to coast with what is going on with our classmates willing to share is terrific. Jeanine White
ReplyDeleteHow sweet and kind of you to offer but I cannot take any money from you. I would, however, take a check from our class fund if we even have a fund going for our class, I will be happy to forward a copy of the receipt for the newly purchased Western Digital MyBook 500MG to John Henry if he likes. But, no I will not accept any money from classmates.
I'm relieved that I did not lose all the previous entries since last June when I started this Journal at John Henry and Diane Screnci's requests.
It is my pleasure to keep the Journal going. It makes me very happy that everyone is enjoying it.
Working on the Journal involves a lot of my time but I'm overwhelmed with joy to receive touching emails from all of you telling me how much you enjoy reading and participating with The Lantern.
Looking forward to receiving some photos from you so I can create an album for you in The Lantern PhotoShop.
With Love & Affection to all of you!
Hugs, Rose
ReplyDeleteTo ease your mind...click on the Sitemeter which is located on the sidebar of the Lantern. The next pop up screen will show you all the cities, states and countries that are following The Lantern.
So, some of our classmates may not be leaving "Comments" but they are surely reading The Lantern faithfully. Some do email me personally and I try to enter most of those emails for them under Great Shares to let all of you view....they are participating in their own way.
If you notice on the bottom you can choose to sign in with your old username and password via "AIM" which is AOL. You can select to open a GMail account or have an Open ID to be able to leave comments in any Journal, blog, etc.
If you run into problems...just give me a call and I will be happy to walk you through it.
All sites have this as a security measure and they rightfully should.
Hugs, Rose