The United States is truly a diverse nation made up of dynamic people. Each year on July 4th, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings.
Through the Internet we are learning about and communicating with people of different nations, with different languages and different races throughout the world.
Happy Birthday, America!

What are your plans for the 4th?
ReplyDeleteHugs, Rose
Oh such sweet memories of the 4th at the cape....Ahhhh to be young and thin again and spending the night in Goodwill Park....LOL
I kind of remember going to the "park" to watch the fireworks.
I think they had some sort of ground display. Of course we could almost always catch them from the beach on Fri. nights...
Manys years later it swithched to 'pig' roasts in NH with some of the ski clubs...
These days I throw a burger on the grill and call it a day....LOL
Anyone out there have any good memories they can share....
Hi Classmates,
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th of July to everyone. I have fond memories of going to Paul Revere Stadium on Park Ave. every 4th with my father and sister to enjoy the festivities and the grand fireworks display there.
Earlier in the day we would go to the Achenbach School playground for games and races to be topped off by free ice cream and candy. The shoes were piled high and you had to find yours and be the first to put them on in order to win. Our playground had many wonderful counselors, but one that I particularly remember was Joanne Drinkwater. She made the summers so much fun for us. I still have pictures of myself and the other children at the playground taken in 1954 and 1955 when they appeared in the Revere Journal. Those were the good old days for sure.
Love to all.
Joanne N.
ReplyDeleteI, too, remember those wonderful evenings at the Paul Revere Stadium. Everyone was there! We went with our families and had such fun meeting our classmates, dancing to the music,and "oohing and aahing" to the fireworks, which, incidentally, were exactly the same year after year after year. Do you remember those that were displayed on the ground. The "flag" and the "shooting cannons"? I also recall the fire department always present and on stand-by just in case a roof or two of one of the very close homes caught on fire from the aerial fireworks! Amazing!
I also remember the playground celebrations and the races and games that were played on the Fourth. We had such fun. One year I won 2nd Prize in the decorated bicycle contest. I remember that I won a "schoolbox"! It could have at least have been a "ribbon"! I don't remember that the playground parade with floats, bicycles, doll carriages, and such was the same day as the Fourth of July celebration. I thought that it was the finale of the playground season and held in late August, just before school started up again. I bet that Sal remembers! Let us know, Sal! Is it just my imagination or was the weather always "hot" on the Fourth in those days?!
We are off to Norway for the Fourth. No, not the country, but Norway, Maine. We spend the weekend with dear friends every year at their lakeside cabin. It's very relaxing and lots of fun. We usually enjoy dinner at one of our favorite spots in the area and then enjoy the fireworks display at the Bethel Inn. It is a nice long weekend and we have been doing it for years. The Portland Symphony used to give an outdoor concert at one of the mountains in the area. I think it was at Pleasant Mountain. It was a fabulous time, which we truly enjoyed. Everyone would bring their picnic supper (some people were so creative) and we'd sit on the lawn and listen to the concert followed by fireworks. Like everything else, it has changed and no longer is performed on the Fourth.
In whatever way all of you celebrate the Fourth of July, enjoy! And don't forget to say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing out the National Anthem nice and loud and show your pride to be an American!
God Bless!
Joanne "Struz" McCarthy
Joann, I am so glad that someone else remembered that ground display of the flag....In reality that is the only display that I remember. When I tried to discribe it being on the ground I got the usual "shes a little tweeked" look....LOL
ReplyDeleteThe entire idea of the festivities for the fourth was so new to me. I moved to Revere from Roxbury/Dorchester in the 8th grade and the entire thing took me by surprise. I remember thinking how nice it was to live in a little small town in the suburbs....I never heard of any of the parades with the bikes and doll carrages being decorated.