Wow, I was thinking last night…………how the heck did I reach 63 years old and will be turning 64 in January! Where did all that time go… I miss the years gone by.
Our memorable school days from grammar school to our high school days when we all thought we were cool teenagers! After all, our idol was Elvis! Elvis Presley was the first real rock’n roll star.
A white southerner singing the blues laced with country and country tinged with gospel, Elvis brought together music from both sides of the color line. Elvis performed this music with a natural hip swiveling sexuality that made him a teen idol and a role model for generations of cool rebels. Elvis was repeatedly dismissed as vulgar, incompetent and a bad influence. But the force of his music and image signaled to the mainstream culture that it was time for a change and we loved him.
I even found his high school diploma!
In early 1957, Presley became the target of criticism by teachers, clergymen, and even other entertainers who thought his style was too suggestive. Elvis was nicknamed "Elvis the Pelvis" by one writer. I remember the last of his three appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show, he was viewed and shown only from the waist up.
We all remember Alan Freed, the disk jockey! In 1957 ABC-TV gave Freed his own nationally-televised rock’n roll show, but an episode on which Frankie Lymon danced with a white girl enraged ABC's Southern affiliates and the show was cancelled.
In the spring of 1958, when violence occurred outside the Boston Arena after a Freed stage show, local authorities indicted him for inciting to riot.

We wore some cool, hot looking clothes. 1960-1962 - At this time, there was a carry over from the 50's, including the "bouffant" look. The popular hairstyle was a beehive, where they tease their hair and piled it high on their head. Another look during this time was the beatnik. I remember wearing hot pants, high fashion boots, mini skirts, and painstakingly matched accessories and of course the 5” stiletto heels!
I remember the Drive-In Theaters, the Drive-In Eateries.
Even all the cars were distinctively recognized because they had so much character… all the cars look alike same boxed look!
I wish we could turn back the clock and maybe I wouldn't want to be 20 years old again or neither 30 or 40....I would welcome back being 50! LOL
“Live it Up 20’s” a period of empowerment. Your 20’s marked a time when you’ve passed through the test of faith of your teens and head into maturity. It was the last of your awkward teen traits are gone and in comes a new level of poise. Oh, the fun with dressing and cosmetics and how to present yourself to the world!
“Your Terrific 30’s” when a time maturation sets in but remember it’s a plus! You are more comfortable in your physical and spiritual skin. And, a discovery time of your new identity as a wife/husband, mother/father and an integral member of your community. Time was precious for me at this stage, with the challenges of keeping up with your little ones, handling the responsibilities of your household and continuing your career or community involvement or all of the above.
“The Fabulous 40’s during this time of life, with our children out of school, time can be on your side. We working moms even found the time to take advantage of joining a gym, treating yourself from time to time to a spa or a pedicure or facial treatments to stay looking your best since hormonal changes lead to drier skin. I still felt fabulous at 40…mind, body and soul.
“Onward and Upward” at 50, it was still great believe it or not, however, 60 and upward…..Yikes….it has some simple pleasures. We all have encountered some rocky roads in our lives and obstacles to overcome just like everyone else. God blessed me with two beautiful children.
Thanks for taking the ride down memory lane with me and reminiscing the fabulous 50’s and 60's! I enjoyed sharing this era with all of you! I remember buying my first brand new car....a Pontiac Tempest and those three long years of monthly payments. It was Burgundy with White Leather Seats. Diane Screnci's Dad, Sal Screnci guided me along with this huge purchase and gave me the courage to take on the responsibility at a young age of 18. He was so good to me. And, Diane's MOM, Josie has been a big influence on my choice of perfume........"Shalimar".
Do you remember your first car?