Rose, Thank you for putting this together. To answer questions about where in the world has Rich Cummings been since graduation in 1962, this is from the Preface of my book to be published in early 2009:
I also remember sitting on Revere beach and talking to my friends about the television add for Radio Free Europe, featuring the song, “On Broadway.” Then came the Air Force, unexpected Russian language training, and assignments in Berlin and Turkey. After my military service, I graduated from Boston University with a degree in Soviet and East European Studies. Before I knew it, in 1972, I was a graduate student in Munich at the Institute for the Study of the USSR and doing research in the Radio Liberty library. I also used to walk in Munich’s wonderful city park called English Garden, behind Radio Free Europe, and looking at the long building but not daring to set foot in it. I even applied for a job as a security guard at Radio Liberty, but was turned down.
The CIA had stopped funding for the Institute at that time, and there was no college or university willing and able to take over its funding. The institute closed before the infamous summer Olympics in 1972. I returned to Boston and began working as a Criminal Investigator for the US Immigration and Naturalization Service. Through happen chance in 1980, I met the then Director of Security for RFE/RL, who told me he was going to leave RFE/RL and suggested I take over after him. After some hesitation, I applied for the job and was accepted. (and the rest has been history).
Greetings to all who read this. Rich Cummings, Düsseldorf, Germany
Kudos to Rich and his accomplishments. Kudos to Sal Carmosino in finding him.

Please read Rich's comment on the bottom of the very first entry in the blog. You will be amazed. (I copied and pasted Rich's 1st comment after receving numerous personal emails in my rjsisti site telling me they cannot find Rich's"Comment"). I pasted it right below his photo above and you will also notice another comment added to the bottom of this entry as well! Just click on Recent Comments. Viola!!!!!
Rich, so happy to have you back in our life again! Missed you! So happy you are doing well.
I hope to have your book signed just for me!
Thanks for the photo and the memories!
Wow, another James Bond as Sal put it!
ReplyDeleteWhat is he doing in Germany? He looks great. I did hear from Meri last summer that he has done quite well but don't remember the details.
So what's he doing in Europe? In a few words: From 1980 to 1995, I lived in Munich, then to 1998 in Prague/Munich, and then in 1998 came to Düsseldorf. I was Director of Security for Radio Free Europe in Munich and in Prague. Then, West Europe Director of Security for Citibank. Then I was declared redundant in July 2007 and given a settlement to leave. I decided to stay here and do what I always wanted to do: write books. I just finished two books on the Cold War: one will be published in the USA, the other in Romania. Working on a third book and now and then a screenplay. Will be giving a conference paper in July in Scotland on the early days of the Cold War and then another in Holland in September on Information Security. You can find some of my articles in Google with my name and Radio Free Europe. Thanks for asking. I feel like I am coming in from the Cold. Greetings to all who might read this.
ReplyDeleteHi Rich,
ReplyDeleteI just Googled your name alone and you are too modest.....there were pages and pages of articles! Oh my goodness! Amazing! I registered for the Globe Atlantic.
So, are you married? If so, is she German? Children? Grandchildren? Do you plan to remain in Germany? I'm sure you must speak the lingo well?
Wow, since I featured you in our Lantern. My phone and personal email address was off the wall for an entire day!
Unfortunately, you cannot see all of their comments because most sent them to my personal address which is o.k. but I prefer them to be left in the Comment section of the Lantern for all to see and enjoy. Some expressed that they were having a hard time creating a username and password for the site. I do hope they register soon so they can all chat with you personally.
Hugs, Rose
Well, Sal...this James Bond (never the real names anyway) spent the day defrosting his freezer (shaked not stirred)....hmmm, does not quite fit the image.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess I am minus 007. Cheers. Rich