Isn't friendship wonderful!

A friend is all of these things and more. No matter where we met, no matter how long we've been together....I call you a friend. A word so small, yet so large in feeling, a word filled with emotion, a word overflowing with love.

A part of each of us goes into our friendships, our humor, our experiences, our tears. Friendships are foundations necessary for life and love. Friends like you and me. You brought another friend and then there were three. Isn't it amazing how we accumulate friends!
Even though I don't speak to my friends from up north everyday...or even as often as I would like to, don't ever think for a second that since we aren't in constant contact....that I don't think of you all. Old friends are the besties for sure!
Then there are what I call my "Faceless Friends". We sit and we type and we stare at our screens....I have to wonder sometimes what this possibly means. I guess we do form some sort of friendship via the computer. Even though it is crazy, the truth still remains that these people are "Friends without Faces" with odd little screennames!

Before I close this entry, I would like all of you to know that Dora (DiBartolomeo) Vickery is still in critial condition at the Brockton Hospital 508-941-6282 (direct line to her hospital room)
Let's lift her spirits by sending along a card.
Dora Vickery
33 Briggs Lane
Hanover, MA 02339
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