Friday, February 18, 2011

Great Shares from Richard Cummings!

Hi Rose.

I thought I would send you a few postcards:  two from Estonia, where I was last week at a conference.  And, where it was very, very cold. I hope to go back in the summer, when the weather is more conducive to travel.

And an older one from Milano, where I saw the art of ice cream at its finest--I even ate some.  I was cleaning up some old digital files and thought you might enjoy the photos.

Hope you are happy and healthy. Take care, Rich=


  1. Rich,

    What a pleasant surprise.

    Love the postcards! Great job!

    Thanks for sharing. We've missed you!

  2. Rich, great pictures ! It was nice to see Estonia in the "deep freeze" it will be interesting when you go back an take some pictures in the summer....Perhaps take pictures in the same places and do a side by side study. It may be interesting with some of the comparisons...

    OK, OK, now I want ice cream.....good ice cream or gelato.....Thanks, just what I needed, A craving for ice cream.......LOL

  3. Thanks for the beautiful pictures
    of Estonia.

    I also love the Gelato in Italy.
    Janice S.
