Thursday, June 3, 2010

Prayer Request

I just received a telephone call from Diane (Screnci) Beatrice, who calls me frequently to say hello and she mentioned that Linda (Spagnolo) Lattanzi's husband, Peter Lattanzi surely could use some prayers.  He has been in the hospital for a very long time and fighting a battle with cancer.  We are all busy but we all have time for prayers.  I know I can count on all of you, as I believe in the power of prayer!

Hugs, Rose & The Lantern Gang!


  1. Linda,

    I've been praying for Peter ever since we got reacquainted a couple of years back and learned that he has been ill.

    I wish I lived closer to help you. I couldn't do much but be with you, drive you to the hospital, perhaps cook some meals for you......just try and help your life be a tad more comfortable. And, sit with you at the hospital.

    I just want you to know that I'm praying here from Florida! I adore Peter. And, I know the strain and worries it is causing you, my dear friend.

    Hugs, Rose

  2. Linda, I am so sorry to hear that Peter has taken a turn for the worse. I remember him so fondly and I will include him in some special prayers.

  3. I, too, offer my prayers for Peter. And for Linda, as well, because I know how difficult it is for her to be in this situation.
    I am sorry for the suffering he has had to endure and hope that his condition improves.
