Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lantern June Birthdays!

1. Nelson Block-June 13

2. Angela Bova-June 12

3. Nancy Bruno-June 23

4. Arthur Bounopane-June 29

5. Anthony Chiarella-June 13

6. Roseann Colanino-June 20

7. June Davey-June 4

8. Kathleen DeRosa-June 3

9. Richard Gesualdo-June 4

10. Barbara Grasso-June 26

11. Joseph Greenberg-June 4

12. David Greenstein-June 12

13. Sandra Grobman-June 15

14. Linda Kane-June 20

15. Roger Keith-June 12

16. Janet Kelleher-June 6

17. Paul Kincaid-June 15

18. Ellen LeGrow-June 17

19. Louise McGurin-June 2

20. Joseph Miller-June 4

21. Lawrence Mintz-June 5

22. Constance Moore-June 12

23. Michael Moscaritolo-June 26

24. John Palladino-June 8

25. Richard Pearl-June 15

26. Harold Rosenbloom-June 10

27. Alan Schwartz-June 6

28. Sandra Sharib-June 20

29. Edward Simeone-June 3

30. Carol Toppi-June 6

31. Benedict Uga-June 30

32. Catherine Vazza-June 26

33. Patricia Votta-June 28

34. June Walley-June 22

35. Joseph Walsh-June 14

36. Susan Webster-June 21


  1. Dear Rose:

    Thanks so much for your good wishes and for sharing this with others. I want to wish all of my June birthday classmates a special "happy birthday" and especially to June Walley, seeing her name is June. I remember June very well. She lived right around the corner from one of my good friends (George Mosko), and I had the good fortune to see her from time to time.

    June, I hope you are well. Again, happy birthday all.

    Joe Greenberg

  2. Joe,

    I know many view the Lantern but I personally don't have June's email address but that does not mean she is not reading this and seeing your message.

    Looks like you are having a special day this month too!

    Hugs, Rose

  3. A very Happy Birthday to all...
    And Joe a special one to you. I too love to see the list because it just brings back some nice memories of friends. I read the names and smile ...
