Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Requesting an RSVP!

Can we request that any classmates that plan to attend contact you or me so we can get an idea of how many we can count on to be here in Tampa for the BBQ on June 5th.

I will send them my address and directions.



To date, my only knowledge of who is attending is the following for sure:

Fred Ciampi
Jean Ciampi
Sal Carmosino
Carolyn Carmosino
Joyce Matthews Gilberti
Joyce's husband
Possibly "me" depending on my next medical report
Possible - Janice Scandone, if I attend as she won't drive that distance by herself

So folks, please respond as soon as possible to Fred and/or me so a count can be accounted for.  It's hard to put a party together if you don't know how many people are attending.  So, send a quick email to say yes or no.  Thanks!  Fred's email address is provided above in blue and mine as well.

We already heard from Peter Zaccone and Arthur Buonopane that they will not be able to make it. I, personally have not heard from anyone else have you?

Hugs, Rose


  1. Fred,

    Per your request, I posted another entry requesting a RSVP this time.

    I did receive a message from Joyce Matthews on Facebook and she said she will be attending with her husband.

    Have you received any messages to date?

    I truly do not know of too many other classmates that live in Florida even though you extended this invitation to everyone not just Florida residents.

    My last lab work was bad again and I had more blood work done again today so I can't give you a definite answer yet. I don't like doing anything the last minute but I'm being a good patient. Sorry, I truly want to come. Hopefully, I will still be able to make it.

    I know that John Aucella moved to Floria in the Deerfiled Beach area but I was unable to locate him.

    Hugs, Rose

  2. I am sorry that I will not be able to attend. In fact, my mother is coming up to visit me in June.
    I hope you all have a fun time and a great visit. Hope to get there next time!
