Saturday, January 29, 2011

Email just received from Scotty!

Hi Rose,
Just would like to let you know what is going on with my health. The visiting nurses have been coming to the house and they have been concerned that my temperature has been going up. They have been talking with my doctor and they may have to put me back in the hospital.

It seems that I'm not getting better like I hoped, but I won't give up the fight just yet. I'm very tired and very weak. They think I'm still fighting septic shock infection. So I'm still pretty sick.     Scotty    


  1. Scotty,

    You are in our prayers!

    The gang is all praying for you!

    Hugs, Rose

  2. Bobby,
    We think of you often and will continue to pray for you and your complete recovery.
    Joanne and Mike McCarthy

  3. Scotty,

    I'm praying that you won't have to go back into the hospital and that you will have a speedy recovery. Take care.
    Janice S.

  4. Hi Bobby,
    I'm sorry to hear that you're "under the weather", so to speak, and I pray that you will soon be better.
    This is truly a "winter of our discontent", with snowstorms every week and bitter cold temperatures, but to know that you are ailing just makes it worse. You see, I have always been impressed by your positive attitude and your courage in dealing with whatever health issues you've faced. . .and, well, I'm inspired.
    You've always made the effort to drive down to see everybody and you've made a great "presentation" at each reunion event. I like that!
    So, please continue your fight and know that we are all here for you, pulling for you to get better so we can see you again, soon.
    You are much loved.

  5. Bobby,
    You will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery....Please take care.
    I do have to say that Meri put it all very well, so I will have to "second" that...................
