Thursday, January 6, 2011

Update on Sal Carmosino from Rose!

I received an email from Sal today.  He states he feels like he is in limbo right now...and has to play the waiting game...He is hoping his Primary Care doctor is right and it turns out to be something he can live with but monitored.

I personally feel he should contact a Cardiologist, they are the heart Specialists. 

Sal wants to thank all of you and still wants your prayers to continue.  He is concerned and depressed that something has to happen before anyone does anything and he does not want to wait for an emergency.  He expressed that he still needs that positive energy that everyone gave him, as the waiting game is draining him.

So, I ask all of you to join me and continue our prayers for our dear friend, as I don't want his depression to take over.  Positive thoughts are necessary along with the right decisions.  He is not feeling comfortable right now with his Primary Care doctor.


  1. Sal needs our continued support and prayers.

    I truly wish he would contact a Cardiologist for his serious medical issues at hand.

    Hugs, Rose

  2. Sal:
    We are all still here praying and wishing for good news for you.

  3. Rose,

    I just sent a quick e-mail to Sal. I reminded him we are all praying for him and that he has to stay positive, and he has to see a Cardiologist.

    We are leaving for Boston Friday night. Young Fred has taken a turn for the worst and the end of his battle with cancer is approaching.

    I will stay in touch from Boston.

    Fred Ciampi

  4. Fred,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jean. I'm so very sorry about your son.

    Be careful driving from Tampa to Massachusetts.

    Hugs, Rose

  5. Sal, I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Perhaps the thing you shoul do is go for a second opinion. A second opinion is not unusual. If it makes you feel better/more comfortable than it is exactly what you should do. It is so commonplace these days to do so...Take care
    You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers too...This is a difficult time for you all so please take care and know that God is looking out for you all....

  6. Dear Fred,
    I am so sorry about your son. I can't imagine the pain you are in and my heart goes out to you in sympathy. How sad to see our loved ones suffer!
    You and he are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. Fred I am so sorry to hear about your son. I will be praying for the whole family.

    Take care.
    Janice S.

  8. Sal, I will be thinking of you and praying that everything will turn out okay.

    Take care of yourself.
    Janice S.
