Saturday, January 29, 2011

Message from Fred Ciampi


Thank you and all of my classmates for your kind thoughts and prayers. It has been a very trying time. My son faced his battle with cancer valiantly. He never complained and was strong throughout his treatments. He was in a lot of pain and suffered terribly at the end. Young Fred is in a better place, but we miss him terribly.

I want to thank Sal & Carolyn Carmosino and Floy (Bright) Johnson for joining Our family and Fred's' friends at our Celebration of his Life.

Jean and I have returned to Tampa. We are slowly getting our lives back to normal.



  1. Fred, please know that your family will remain in my prayers as you continue on this journey...It was so nice of Sal and his wife and Floyd Bright to pay their respects to you,your family and your son....stay strong and remember that prayer is an intimate and heart felt conversation that can be had anywhere and anytime....

  2. Dear Fred and Jean,
    May you take comfort in your precious memories of your beloved son and in time, may those memories help to heal your heart.
    Joanne McCarthy
