Friday, June 13, 2008

Revere's very own "James Bond"!

James Bond 2Just received this email hot off the press in the wee hours of the morning from Germany!  Yes, we have our very own James Bond! 

It is Richard Cummings-007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be confused with that other 007 guy!

Please view Richard on UTube and wait until after the tanks are rolling then you can see him in Prague walking around and hear him talking about Radio Free Europe and what he experienced.

The music is fun too.

Click on the above to view UTube.

Correction:  Rich was in Munich not Prague.

Rose moving sig


  1. Wow. . .Richard, how impressive!  You were there, right in the middle of it all.  I am anxious to read more about the results of Radio Free Europe's work, both in helping to "tear down that wall" between countries, cultures and ideas, and in spreading the "truth" about America and its values.
    But I am thrilled and excited to learn of your role in such important and (literally)world-shaking events.
    You look the same as you did at McKinley Junior High!  

  2. Hi Meri.  Thanks for your kind words.  There are slight corrections to be made, I was in Berlin, when the tanks rolled into Prague and in the film I am in Munich not in Prague.

    Oh yes, I do not recall having grey facial hair in Junior High School.  But I went from ducking "spit balls" to bombs.  Best regards to all.  Rich

  3. Rich,
    Great graphics by Rose, our computer guru. Hey, I hope we
    didnt blow your cover!!   But since you are now on youtube and have
    written a book, you are now well known.  If we hear that you are now
    stationed near the Arctic Circle, then we ll know we exposed you!
    Please believe your classmates here are very proud of you and what
    you have accomplished in your career.
