Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy New Year my dear friends!

I'm not going to bother making any new resolutions in 2010.  I never keep them anyway!  My intentions were always good though.  Are you planning on making any new resolutions for the new year?

Hugs, Rose


  1. Wow, where did the year go? Another new year approaching very soon.

    Happy New Year my dear friends.

    Hugs, Rose

  2. Happy New Year everyone.....
    I agree with the resolutions, I just say Ditto. They are always the same, Loose weight, exersize more, eat better, save money, visit so and so. Yada Yada Yada.....What I really would like to say is:
    "this year I will eat what I want, go where I want, see who I want , spend what I want! Ta-da.....

    I suggest we make a list of "dream" wishes......LOL

  3. Happy New Year everyone. My resolution is usualy the same, lose more weight. LOL

  4. My resolutions are the same: Lose weight, don't spend so much. I do exercise a lot already---not that it shows. My new resolution is to stop being sarcastic and saying things during meetings to get people to laugh. I would also like to be nicer, so people will say what a "lovely and kind person" I am. I've tried thinking only kind thoughts about people before, but it only lasts for a few hours. Then, as soon as someone I work with says something dumb, my kind thoughts are out the window.

  5. Ruthie,
    You are so funny. . . and so apt. I, too, recognize my weaknesses of character, less than perfect physique, too-critical (and judgmental) commentary, and other defects of personality, but when presented with the opportunity to perhaps change, or at least minimize, these frailties (via New Year's resolutions, weight watchers, "kindness" clubs, etc.), although I fully intend to, I simply cannot. That's the way it is. . . unfortunately.
    And would we have it any other way?

  6. Well, Meri, Best I can say is
    "I am what I am and thats all that I am" ( famous Popeye Quote) If I haven't changed yet, I doubt that I ever will. A little quote from the Gibran
    "he who is worthy of his days and nights from the lord is worthy of all else from me" or somthing like that.
    Have a great New Year

  7. thank you Rose and Happy New year to you.

    Jay Gottlieb

  8. Ruthie, You are hilarious!

    Dora, start that "Dream List and see who follows"

    Meri, you always say the appropriate things!

    Jay, thank you for stopping by with kind words.


  9. Meri, You mentioned being "overly critical and judgmental". Oh dear, forgot those, I am very very guilty of those less than admirable traits. But Thank You for making me feel better about my short-lived resolutions. I do recall that at RHS you were one of those people that was always "lovely and kind".

  10. Thanks for the compliment, Ruthie. You are too kind.
    Happy New Year to you and let's try to connect for lunch somewhere soon, at least before another year passes us by.
