Thursday, December 10, 2009

Season Greetings to Everyone in The Lantern from Ruthie Bowler

Hi Rose, Didn't know how to post this on the Lantern, but I figure you would. Aren't you happy you don't have to snow blow this mess?

From our home to yours........
Season's Greetings to everyone
at The Lantern.
May your walls know joy,
May every room hold laughter,
 And every window open to great possibilities.

Ruthie Bowler


  1. Ruthie,

    Yes, I'm the only one that can post an entry on The Lantern. You are allowed to leave "Comments", so you did the right thing by emailing this to me.

    The snow looks beautiful! I miss it. It was 88 degree here today!

    Is this your lovely home? Looks so cozy and charming.

    Hugs, Rose

  2. Ruth
    Thank you for the lovely holiday wishes. I too would like to wish you and your family the warmest of wishes at this beautiful time of year.
    Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year !
