Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Merry Christmas my Friends!





  1. Thank you, Rose and the very same to you and your family.
    That show kind of reminds me of my days growing up in Revere where I never had one day of regret.
    Snow in the morning here and heavy rain today but Worcester had 8 inches of snow while we got one or two inches here in Winchester but it was real hard to push it away. My sister is counting the day till she returns to Florida. Guess I can't blame her.
    Enjoy your warmth.
    Arthur B.

  2. Hi Rose,
    What a beautiful Christmas email. You are so thoughtful. Thanks for all your great work on the site. It has brought many of us together again after so many years. We are eternally grateful.

    I pray that your Christmas is full of Peace, Love, and Joy and that your New Year is a Happy and Healthy one for you and your family.
    Joanne Nardone

  3. Thank You for your kind words and I'm just as happy as you are that our friends have gotten together because of The Lantern!

    It is my pleasure.

    Hugs, Rose

  4. Dear Rose: I hope you are well and that your family is enjoying the holiday season. I am writing to wish you a merry Christmas and a merry Christmas and a happy Chanukah to all of my friends and classmates. I hope this is your best holiday season ever and I truly hope we can get together again in the new year. Be well, Joe Greenberg

  5. Rose,
    Love the "card". Thank you for all you do. I hope you don't miss the snow, we had over 8 inches of it today. An enjoyable aspect of winter and teaching is a "snow day", as we had today. Nowadays we don't have to keep an ear to the radio anxiously waiting to hear our town listed, instead we (personnel and parents) all get Robo calls at 5 am.

    Hope your Christmas is lovely and the new year brings you all the best.

    Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas to all my classmates at The Lantern.

  6. Hi Rose,

    Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and health, joy and peace in the New Year.


  7. Hi to all and a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy Holidays in general to you and your families.
    Just a moment before I rush around to finish "loose ends" in Christmas preparations--cleaning, cooking, sewing (don't ask), shopping, wrapping, visiting the elderly, keeping up with out-of-town relatives and whatever else I can't remember right now--to say that, although we hear frequently that "it's the most wonderful time of the year". . . sometimes I wonder. No, really, our crass consumerist culture makes me cringe and I want to go all "Grinchlike" and say, "bah, you-know-what. . ."
    But then, a view of an old-fashioned Christmas on a newly opened card from a dear friend, or a quick glance at the TV with a scene from "It's a Wonderful Life", or a note or two of "The Little Drummer Boy" (written by a Revere person). . . any of these calls to mind a memory of past Christmases at home with my Mom and Dad and "us kids" around my father's "perfect" tree and, well, I just melt away into sentimental nostalgia and become a heap of all things hokey for the holidays. So, I muddle on.

  8. I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. On this snowy day, I just read Rich's entry in FB. "Who's woods are these, I think I know, his house is in the village though..... my little horse must think it's queer to stop without a farmhouse near"
    I remember this so well because in high school, I had study in the auditorium ( remember that) and Bobby Ripley, a Beachmont boy, sat behind me and would recite that line every time it snowed. I bring this up because so many times we see or hear something that reminds us of those days we shared all those years ago . And Christmas is a great time to remember these things and these and times, and remember old friends with a gentle smile.

