Sunday, December 20, 2009

OMG! Five more days left!

Wow, five more days until Christmas!  And, according to the News, I hear you, my dear friends are shoveling snow and plowing away up north.  We are also having a cold spell here in is 61 degrees today!  It will be back up in the 80s by next week.  I actually enjoy the cool weather for a change.  I heard you guys had 11 degrees the other day.......I don't quite miss that too much!  LOL

Just thought I'd bring to your attention the cute little Reindeer walking around the blog....look out for the Christmas cookie shaped like a Christmas Tree........CLICK ON IT and the Reindeer will jump around to find it and then he stops to eat it.  It is hilarious!

And of course, I had to add the bouncing Snowman again this year.

Love to all of you..............Miss you!  Thank you for your cards and best wishes for the holidays!  Thank you to all that participate in the Lantern and allowing us back into your lives again, as we are the best of friends that anyone could ever have.

Sal, loved your email so much that I just had to post it on the Lantern....thanks.

Diane....thanks for your recent phone call and the box of chocolates from Russo's!  I ate the whole top layer already.........Oh am I bad.

Jeanine, thanks for your email today, I was getting worried, looking forward to seeing you soon here in Florida.

Janice and Dora, thank you for your emails everyday....makes me have a feel good day!

Richard, where have you been?


  1. Remember to click on the cookie that looks like a Christmas Tree and then watch the Reindeer jump over to eat it.


  2. Hi Rose,
    Thank you for the birthday greeting. I can't believe I'll be 65 this week. It just sort of snuck up on me. Yes, we did get a lot of snow today. I was shovelling the stuff and then had to go back out again because the wind was sending the snow back over what I had just removed. It finally stopped in the late afternoon. Now the deep freeze has set in so we will be stuck with this for awhile. At least it will be a white Christmas. Hope that you have a Blessed one and a New Year filled with Peace, Love, and Joy. Love all your entries and enjoy reading and seeing the pictures of our classmates. Thank you for all your patience and time and energy. God bless you always.

    Love, Joanne Nardone

  3. And a very Merry Christmas to you to Rose. I cannot believe how quickly the year has gone by.
    Happy Birthday to all you of you who have a December birthday.
    A special one to you Joanne N. it is always nice to hear from you in the Lantern. Don't over do the shoveling....
